Saturday, July 28, 2007

Opening Pandora's Music Box

I am currently loving a website I found online. I think it may be something my brother recommended to me, but I can't remember. Pandora Radio is an online, free, radio setup. When you get to the site, it asks you what you are interested in listening to. If the song or artist is in their database, they load it up - along with a group of artists and songs that have the same kind of sound as the one you were looking for.

On my list right now are:

Dick Dale
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Los Straitjackets
Bob Marley
Ben Folds
Social Distortion

Pandora's Music Genome Project seems to have a knack for searching out different artists of the same vein for you to listen to. That's why I'm putting Pandora on my Favorites. Try it out for yourself.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summer Is Better In Person

This weekend my wife and I were invited on a spur of the moment trip to Dodger Stadium. Friends of ours were given tickets to the game, and invited us along for the ride. Now, normally, I am not a fan of the LA Dodgers. Actually, I'm not much of a fan of baseball at all. If the game is on television, and the family is already watching, I'll usually stick around for the end. That is, if it's a Giants game.

This was my first time at a Major League ballgame. I really got spoiled.

Our seats were in Section 1, right behind home plate, and about 15 rows up. I used to think that Baseball was boring and slow. Now I just think it's kinda slow. Even though tv can make everything look bigger, it does nothing for capturing the feeling that being at a game gives you. I would venture that almost anything is a little more exciting when there are 52,000 people there with you.

Now, I'll never be able to go to another ballgame without thinking about how awesome my first trip was.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No more Hye ate us

I can see from looking over the ol' blog here, that I haven't written or reminisced in nearly a month. I'm sure that my massive readership of 8 people have been heartbroken. It seems that both nothing, and a lot, have been going on.

I had a wonderful 10 day vacation on the California coast, as well as a bit of time in the Sierra Nevadas.

I went to San Ramon, CA and did a bit of training to become an internal Ergonomic Consultant for the company I work for. I think I already mentioned this once. Mostly, they taught me how to look for bad posture and poor work positioning. I kept wanting to ask our trainer about work situations that Electrical Linemen are put in every day. For the most part, I was told that a Lineman's job is so ergonomically screwed-up, that no one really wants to take a detailed assessment of the physics that affect a worker once he starts climbing up a pole.

My daughter has two new teeth on the bottom. They finally cut through last week. I don't think it will be long before the top set break through. Baby teeth are sharp.

I'm glad to see that my constant presence at the local gym is starting to pay off. I'm guessing that I will reach my goal in about 4 more months. Just in time for my new tooth to chew on things. I suppose that my inability to chew on things is also contributing to my changing waistline - mostly my diet consists of cottage cheese, cut-up fruit, soft veggies, and whatever proteins I can dice up small enough to get down my gullet. I didn't realize just how many things in the world require the use of your incisors to eat. Most notably, corn. I really miss corn. Let's not forget bagels, toast, steak, salad, any kind of sandwich, and on and on. In the mean time I am learning to like lifting weights and running.

At work, I'm still waiting to hear about a combo Lineman bid. No news yet.

Somehow, I managed to get myself signed on to a number of committees and special groups at work. I've got more to do, and less time to do it. It is both exciting and tiring.

That's all I'm really up to. Bookwise I've been plugging through some new paperbacks. Right now I'm reading, The Black Order, by James Rollins. I'm not sold out on it yet. This is the first of Rollins' books I've tried.

p.s. I can't even eat crackerbread...