Saturday, February 18, 2006

Snow Snow Snow Snow......

Well, it happened. It actually snowed at the house, and stayed. At the moment there's about 2 inches of snow outside. That is just enough to make everything look beautiful. Experiencing snow for the first time, at your own home, is something wonderful. It makes you want to throw another log on the fire, start some hot cocoa, or maybe some of that really good tea. You know the kind that smells like wonderful spices and orange. A good book can become a great book. Your wife's homemade rolls taste even better. Your backyard takes on a fairytale quality, even though you haven't raked it in a week. Snow has the wonderful ability to make all things appear new, beautiful, and clean. But soon it will be gone. I'd better go enjoy it while I can!

Just imagine. Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera-Ellen singing on the train on the way to Pine Tree, Vermont.
It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow
I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow
I long to clear a path and lift a spade of snow
Oh, to see a great big man entirely made of snow
"Snow" excerpt written by Irving Berlin. White Christmas 1954


Anonymous said...

We truly are kindred spirits Nick!

Anonymous said...

Snow, Snow, Snow! Ahhhh, one of my favorite movies. I recently watched White Christmas again and it was weeks after Christmas day, but still in the ocatave of Christmas, so that's okay.

mpwalker said...

oh nick. something you are so good at. Cheese...makes me hungry really. Smoked gouda sounds great.