Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Let the festivities begin. Today we started on our cleaning for the season. Closets were emptied, and clothes were stacked for donation. I could scarcely believe how many things I owned that I didn't even use any more. I was also bummed to see that some of the old clothes of mine didn't fit anymore. I suppose that second helpings of bierocks don't help that situation.

It feels good to clean out our lives. To minimize the clutter, and unentangle my life (or at least my closets) is so refreshing. A place for everything, and everything in it's place. Up next- the garage, the shed, the backyard. For the day to day, I think I'm going to try and focus on cleaning up the clutter in my head. I've been running around between work and home, and I've allowed the gunk of everyday life to build up in the cracks and crevices of my brain. It's time that I allow God to do a bit of sprucing up in my body/his temple.

Long term projects on the property:

Fence around the backyard
Wood shed
Soil Conditioning
and more

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