Saturday, May 27, 2006

Joys of Reading

My wife and I are confirmed book lovers. It is a rare event for our bedside tables to be without a current read sitting atop. My wife tends towards girly novels, some call it "chick lit", of the likes of Jane Austen, the Brontes, Sophie Kinsella, and Bodie Thoene. Well, I suppose that Thoene is more of historical fiction writer.
I myself enjoy the likes of Umberto Eco, Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child, and even Dan Brown. Yes that's right, I like Dan Brown novels. Some may frown on his themes, but I like to remember that these are FICTION and not real historical accounts. I would actually recommend Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" to those who have scoffed at "The DaVinci Code". A&D is a better plot, and a little more believable.
Currently, I am enjoying the start of Jon Fasman's "The Geographer's Library". I'm sure that some of you had your eyes glaze over at the thought of just the title. That's exactly what my wife did when I showed it to her in the bookstore. That is why I am glad that there are so many different sorts of books. Imagine if we were only allowed to read books that had been authorized by some governing authority. What if Fahrenheit 451 wasn't a novel, but our daily reality. What if you had no right to read?
Things like that make me thankful that I was born an American. It also makes me sad to know that there are people in the world who will never know the freedom that comes with being willing to listen to someone else's ideas.

I suppose that this was all spawned by looking forward to taking my child to the library for the first time. I was remembering that one of the things I loved the most about summer was that my mom would take us to the library every week. I can only hope that our child will love to read as much as my wife and I do.

Well, that's enough rambling for this morning. Errands to do, and family to see.

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