Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sticklers, UNITE!

Today, my wife received an invitation to her High School reunion. Both her and I are natural born Sticklers. The inappropriate use of an apostrophe drives us nutty. The run-on of a sentence, so desperately in need of a comma, can send us into fits. But, when someone ignores the call for a period... I just go catatonic. Please allow me to share this particular gem of grammar.

The ********** High School Senior Class of Nineteen Hundred & ****** *** proudly invite you and your special guest to a weekend to reunite with fellow classmates, remember the times when we were absolutely care free, and share those memorable moments from ten years ago to the ones we now spend most of our time with in the adventurous adult life.

This is for and your special spouse or guest only.

There are others, but they make my brain hurt. I know that I am by no means a perfect grammarian. But, after reading Lynne Truss' book I can't turn back. The English language must be saved from the masses. That's just silly. The masses will inevitably change the language to suit their needs (or their laziness). Oh well. I suppose that we should all get used to seeing more ellipses (...) and dashes (-).

Are you up for a game? How good do you think that you are at placing that mercurial comma? Try the Eats, Shoots & Leaves game.

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