Friday, September 15, 2006

Time For The Autumnal Purge

The scent of drying leaves and cool Autumn rain is in the air. Time for Fall Cleaning. It isn't as popular as its Vernal counterpart; I would argue that it has a greater sense of urgency to it. With the Spring, you have an entire Summer to follow. Often the grasshopper takes up the fiddle for a few months, and fails to do his proper chores as the dutiful ant does. With the Fall, there is a Winter to follow. Clothes need to be brought out from storage. Chimneys need sweeping. Firewood needs chopping and stacking - it needs a whole lot of it, in fact.

With this in mind, we are having a yard sale on Saturday. Are there other things we do as Americans that can be as odd as a yard sale? It always feels weird to me: to place all my unwanted clothes, furniture, knick-knacks (paddy whack), and varied junk on a table outside and hope that my neighbors will want to give me money for it all. America. What a country! I suppose that most other cultures would simply call this, "going to market". At any rate, I hope to unload a preponderance of stuff from my garage. My wife needs to park in there. Winter will soon be here.


Anonymous said...

This seems like the perfect opportunity to share with my extended family members something which has been on my heart the past few years but I always lacked the foresight to actually carry it out. I have long known that "gift giving" is not my native tongue as I go through agony every Nov. & Dec. trying to figure out what to do about Christmas gifts. I'm sure many of my attempts at gifts are probably going out on your yard sale tables this weekend and I will confess to regifting or donating many items myself over the years. I'm blessed with a small house with limited storage so I do this frequently and often struggled with guilt. I've learned to cherish the spirit of the giver and let the rest go on to someone else who needs it or wants it.

Therefore I'm making the following proclamation that this Christmas, dear family, you will be receiving a share in a goat, or a sewing machine, maybe a brood of chickens or a portion of a medical procedure via While we always use our gift cards to Barnes & Noble, I think we need to live more generously with those who need the basics in this world. Their website is very cool. Just click on "ways to give" and look at their "gift catalog." Richard gave me a sewing machine for a woman in India for my birthday last year and I couldn't have been more pleased with it. I trust that you will also enjoy this new way of blessing one another. Much love to you all.

MountainPowerLineman said...

Rebecca would live more simply. I am an unrepentant packrat. Hence, the yardsale. I am totally excited about the worldvision idea. I really liked reading about it on Uncle Richard's Almanac. We love you all.
Hope to see you soon.