Monday, October 23, 2006

Other People's Memories

This weekend I have something fun to look forward to. My wife is having her high school reunion. It is a lot more fun to go to a reunion when there is almost no chance that anyone will be able to remember you (and make the mental comparisons to the past). It is also fun to know that you will know at least a couple of people, who's company you enjoy.

When a reunion is your own, the nagging feeling that you are being sized up is ever present. Those who say it isn't - well they're just deluding themselves. As people, we judge one another. Right or wrong, it goes on. For someone like myself, coming from outside this particular high school collective, the fun will be from eavesdropping on my wife's conversations. That's right hon. I'm going to be dropping some eaves.

I think I am partly entitled to enjoying the reunion in my own fashion. I've already braved the gauntlet of my own high school reunion this year - and have been found to be the guy with the most interesting job (hint - read sarcastically). That was a total fluke. This time I just get to go to a party. I can only hope that Romy and Michelle show up and perform some interpretive dance, before flying away in a helicopter with the school millionaire.


Anonymous said...

When a reunion is your own, the nagging feeling that you are being sized up is ever present.

Being that I will see you there, I think that you should know that when one is hugely pregnant, this sentence has a whole new meaning! As in: "Wow. I don't remember her being so large in high school!" Talk about being literally sized up!


Anonymous said...

I had fun at your reunion listening to stories and meeting your high school friends. We'll see if you have the same expereince. I just hope the music is a little quieter.

Ha Ha! We will stick together and knock anyone down that makes any disparaging comments or dares to rub the bellies! Tag team!