Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Number Was 72

Maggie: Where are you going?
Lucas: To the dance.
Maggie: By yourself?
Lucas: Hey, I'm a party animal.

I had forgotten about the gem of a movie that is "Lucas". Corey Haim is the nerdy everyman, Lucas. What he has is heart. What he doesn't have, is Maggie. Central to this, as well as many other stories is the love triangle. Maggie loves Cappy (the kind football jock), Lucas loves Maggie, and Rina loves Lucas (though he is oblivious).

This movie appears to have been another one of those from the 80s that managed to include a great number of people who have gone on to be successful in the entertainment industry.

Corey Haim
Kerri Green (of future Goonies fame)
Charley Sheen
Courtney Thorne-Smith
Winona Ryder
Jeremy Piven

Do yourself a favor. Watch "Lucas" on the old telescreen this weekend. Follow it up with "Goonies". For 80s teen drama, comedy, and adventure it can't get much better.

Make a date, tomorrow morning, Friday the 24th at 530AM on AMC.

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