Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ut runco es traho sursum quod exuro in incendia , sic is ero procul terminus of aevum.

I don't have much to talk about at the moment. I've been too busy with my baby, and reading (currently enjoying The Club Dumas) to really think about anything of late. I would be interested in knowing what others think of the worldwide discussion on global warming. I'll post links to some of the articles I've been reading on the web. If you've read something that has influenced your thoughts on climate change, I'd love to read it as well. With that said, I'll set out what articles I remembered to save, and I'll look forward to what anyone else might like to recommend. This is open to anyone - both those few folks that stop by regularly, as well as the random visitor from Indiana, Italy, or Singapore.

UPDATE*** I only caught the tail end of the program, to my dismay, on KVPR FM89, called Intelligence Squared. It's a semi-regular program from NPR in the format of an Oxford-style debate. Today's debate was titled "Global Warming Is Not A Crisis". It featured notables like Michael Crichton, Richard Lindzen, and Gavin Schmidt. Follow the link here to download a podcast of the program. I found it to be very interesting. I hope you will feel the same. Drop your suggestions in the box. I'll put them in a post, to appear a little later. Thanks, as always for reading.

Richard Lindzen talks about the Kyoto treaty and the National Academy of Sciences report on climate change

Science Daily: Researchers Question Validity of a Global Temperature

Malaria, Kenya, Climate Change and DDT?

Global Warming Swindle

From a Rapt Audience, A Call to Cool the Hype


vulnerant omnes, ultima necat


Anonymous said...

Been reading your blog after stumbling across some of what you wrote about public radio...

Yesterday, KPRX 89.1 FM Bakersfield (Valley Public Radio) aired "Quality of life" - a public affairs call-in program centered around Central Valley issues. Yesterday's topic was global warming. If you missed it, you can listen to the program from our Quality of Life archive (http://www.kvpr.org/qualityoflife.html).

Anonymous said...

My dad and I have had a couple conversations about this topic, and though I believe that global warming is part of a natural pattern on the earth (think of the ice age and all the ice that melted), plus that the sun is a major cause of the warming, I also think that even if it's all true, the most dangerous aspect of this whole debate is what Al Gore has called the New Morality.

My dad boiled the New Morality down to this: Gore and the culture of death, so to speak, have lost on the abortion debate front. Because of ultrasound technology, no one believes that it is all just a ball of tissue, and even Roe v. Wade stated that if the personhood of a fetus could be proven, abortion could not remain legal. But in the New Morality, people are thought of in terms of Carbon Footprints. Carbon Footprints are bad. If Gore raises an entire generation (through the help of that great social experiment called the public schools) on this morality, they will not hesitate to dispose of the undesirables (which is what abortion and euthanasia were designed to do) because they are an expensive Carbon Footprint that contributes nothing of value (in the opinion of many, at least) to society and the world as a whole.

This goes so much deeper than climate change. It touches on the modern and postmodern world's view of humanity as a creature that does not belong in creation, which comes into strict conflict with the Bible's teaching that Man was created to be the caretaker of this beautiful garden we call the world.

Anonymous said...

Follow Up to the Follow Up:

Some people just don't do the podcasting thing, so I thought I'd mention that Valley Public Radio will re-broadcast the "Intelligence Squared" debate on global warming one more time. You can hear it this Saturday, March 31st at 3:30pm - KVPR 89.3 Fresno and KPRX 89.1 Bakersfield.

Thanks to MPL for pointing out the program to his readers.

Anonymous said...

You were asking for links? I snagged a couple off of John Rabe's blog for you:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Michael Crichton's speech entitled "Aliens Cause Global Warming"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your contributions thus far. I won't be on the web for a few days, so I'll be leaving this post up for a little while.

Thanks for letting me know about the re-broadcast of the debate, Jay. I'm looking forward to hearing it in its entirety.

My views on climate change are as follows:

I think that the fact that our climate is changing is not disputable. It is a recorded fact. I'm not yet convinced that mankind is able to exert such a change on the planet through his own designs. I hope that there can be more open debates as to the best course of action concerning "how then shall we live".

As I see it - buying "carbon credits" doesn't actually do anything to the system. I find it tantamount to paying for indulgences. If you really belive that carbon emissions are really that harmful, then PHYSICALLY REDUCE the amount of carbon you expend.

Well, I really shouldn't be spending my lunch break writing on the blog while I am at work. I've got to get home, pack up the family, burn some hydrocarbons, and make my way up to the Sierras for the weekend.