Friday, August 10, 2007

Proclamations and Promises

I have come to realize that my blog, while fun to tinker with, is not a passion of mine. Anymore, my passions tend to run in the circles that include diaper changing and peekaboo-I-see-you sessions with my daughter.

Perhaps it's the fault of the name of this blog. It felt wonderfully succinct at describing who I was at the time I made it up, but now it reminds me of two things: where I do not live, and what I do not do for a living. And that is alright.

Today, I happened to do some underground electrical work. It felt really good to have found a problem, and fixed it before it could cause several customers a hot, dark night. Today was a fluke, albeit, a happy one.

I will do my best to keep up with posting, as things actually happen. That is the reason I haven't really had anything to post about. Really, who wants to read "My house still hasn't sold," every day on a blog. Maybe the people who like to read blogs like do, but not I, said the duck.

Lately, I have been working on a couple of writing projects, and working out at the gym. The work at the gym has at least led me to lose some execrable excess. Writing has been fun, but mostly devolves into random daydreaming. I'm hoping to finish a fairytale story for my daughter before she's too old to enjoy tales of fairy great-aunts and magical birds.

I'll keep you posted, should I do more than sleep, drink coffee, work, eat, sleep.

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