Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me or Vulnerant Omnes, Ultima Necat

Tomorrow is my birthday. For the last time, I will grow into a new age that still starts with a "2". Turning 29 is like a preview to turning 30. Sure, I've said it before - they all wound, and the last one kills. Tick tock tick tock... I suppose it would have to be the last one that kills, wouldn't it. It's like how the last place you look is where you find the car keys you were looking for. Who keeps looking for their car keys after they've already found them.

Suddenly, all of my grey hair makes sense. I can't get away with wearing sneakers and a t-shirt on a date with my wife (no matter how clean they are). Getting older is a good thing. I'm old enough now that my teenage years are a solid decade behind me. Some things are better remembered with a 10 year buffer.

This year I'm going to party really hard. The family is coming up to visit for the weekend. We're going to hike around Yosemite tomorrow, eat a picnic, take some pictures, hang out, play some games, and have a cake shaped like a pumpkin (my wife rocks at making a cake). I couldn't ask for anything better.


Anonymous said...


I know I'm looking forward to it. That's why I'm leaving this house right now to drive up to you and give you a big fat birthday hug. YEAH!!!!!!!

Happy day before your birthday!!

mpwalker said...

Happy Birthday brother o' mine!!

I'll give you a ring for sure.

In other news, my little manboy had his three month portraits and I'd like to send you a link to check them out!

