Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It's snowing. Finally.

I know it won't likely stick around. Even so, I love knowing that it's happening.

Christmas was lovely. My daughter was a joy to watch opening gifts.

I'm sorry for not posting much. I haven't had much to say.

I hope your Christmas was filled with joy, and I wish you a New Year of hope, peace, and loving kindness. It all starts with your neighbor. Good fences might make "good neighbors", but I'm pretty sure that a good conversation and helping hand make for even better neighbors. I guess that's something I'd like to focus on for '08. Wherever I am, and whoever is next to me, I hope that I'll remember to share hospitality and show grace.


Anonymous said...

We miss you, but not the snow! Stay warm and cozy by the fire.

Trafficman said...

Wish we were with you. We enjoyed our pre-Christmas time with you, R and L. luv dad.