Tuesday, September 05, 2006

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

A job with my employer is a somewhat squirrelly thing. When you have the job that you want, it is an easy thing to go to work every day and let time pass by. At my place of employment you can just watch the seasons come and go. Each of them come with their special traits and characteristics. Winter starts the year with snow, rain, wind, falling trees, and a great deal of running about in efforts to restore service. Spring is marked by a return to building new services for customers, along with more periods of rain and more falling trees. Summer is a reprieve for those in the cooler areas of the state, while those who work in the Valley run around all Summer long replacing exploding and overworked transformers. The fall is a relief for everyone. The days are cooler and the nights are likely to provide the occasional spot of overtime for those who desire it. Then it circles around again. Storms, showers, sun, then a brief stay before it cycles through.

If you should desire a collar of a different colour, then you enter a sort of purgatory or limbo. Since I posted about a month ago that I had made my application for a management job within the company, a lot of stuff has happened. Mostly the passing of minutes. Some hours happened along with the unusual occurrence of a week slipping by without much notice. Please note that I am not complaining. I am actually glad to have had this time to contemplate the effects that the acceptance of this type of job will have on my family. True, there are differences in pay. The work is a very different type. There is greater responsibility. A lot would change.

This is all still just a hypothetical. I haven't been offered anything yet. I've heard rumors. Good rumors, but hearsay nonetheless. As it stands now, I have applied for two positions. One is in Bakersfield, and the other is in Fresno. One would supervise construction crews, and the other would supervise electric and gas service personnel. One would require moving (back to hometown Baker) and the other could allow for us to stay in our home in the woods (for a while longer at least). I don't know what will happen. For now it is in God's hands. He has already appointed those who make the decisions that will affect the immediate future.

For now, I wait. It is hard to wait. About a month ago I thought that the process would move faster. I had watched the updates on the company intranet. It appeared that the dies were cast, and my lot had not been chosen. For a while there, I was a little grieved. I had thought that I had a chance of at least being interviewed. I felt sorry for myself. Now I feel foolish. It appears that there are actually three opportunities that may be open to me. If only I had been more patient and trusting in God's timing.

I would only ask that you consider me and my family in your prayers. May I make the best decision for my family. May I hear God's voice through the clutter of my monkey mind. May peace be in our hearts. And may God bless you for your prayers.

Mullins "Hard"

And it's hard to step out on them waves
Hard to walk beyond your vision
Oh Lord it's hard to be a man of faith Lord it's hard (hard)
Lord it's hard (so hard)Oh Lord it's hard to be like Jesus
Don't you know it's hard (hard) oh it's hard (yeah hard)
Oh Lord it's hard to be like Jesus
Well His eye's on the sparrow
And the lilies of the field I've heard
And He will watch over you and He will watch over me
So we can dress like flowers and eat like birds


Anonymous said...


It seems like you and Eddie are in similar boats these days although ours seems to have been dry-docked for now. You guys are definitely in our prayers. I am petitioning for Bako so we can see you more often, and that little girl of yours, too!

If you think of it, keep us in your prayers as well. We love you guys!

MountainPowerLineman said...

Thanks Kim. Right now we're just waiting to see if anything at all happens. If we stay up here some more, or if we go back to B. it will be good. Either way. It's really all in God's hands now. Talk to you later.