Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Pine is Fine, but Cedar is Sweeter

There is something about bringing home a pile of wood that is so satisfying. Even if you haven't cut it or split it yourself, it just feels good. You know that even if the power should fail, and the lights go out, you can still heat your home, brighten the room, and cook some dinner. I know that I am seriously romanticizing the situation. In reality you will likely have just started a load of laundry, or a movie you really like is getting to the cliffhanger when -BLINK- the screen goes black, the room darkens, and your washing machine goes silent. Of course, if you were a truly self-reliant forest dweller, you would also have a generator. Then you wouldn't have to miss any of those things. ...You'd probably have a 4wd truck or SUV, too...

But I am just a valley boy pretending to be a mountain man. A flatlander living in the land of peaks and canyons, am I. Still, having all that wood is a nice feeling.

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