Tuesday, March 07, 2006

All Hail, Potato

Tonight I would like to praise the potato. For the cost of a 5lb bag of potatoes you couldn't buy yourself lunch. But you can feed a whole family with that bag of yummy spuds. Tonight we resorted to throwing some tubers in the oven while we listened to the teaching of that great sage, Oprah. I decided to get crazy and chopped an onion in half, doused it in some butter, sugar, and season salt, and BAM! we had taters and onions for dinner. Some may say, "Nick, that sounds a lot like a real okified dinner. Did you throw in some okra?" No. No okra. Just papas con cebollas and a little butter and salt.

Lately we've been trying to eat more homecooked meals, which is hard to do when you get stuck working a 17 hour day. My wife would swear that if she makes a homecooked meal, I'm bound to get called to emergency work and won't make it home. Thankfully she wasn't right about that yesterday. She made the best stew I've ever had, crescent rolls, and a beautiful green salad. If that isn't wonderful, I don't know what is. I love my wife.

That said, tonight she wasn't feeling so well, so it was my turn at the burners. Hence, the highly imaginative, and palate tingling sensation..... patata cotta con crema, burro, sale e pepe acidi. And God bless my wife for telling me that dinner was good. I know that mostly she was just glad that someone else was willing to make something for her to eat while she recuperated. Sometimes that is all you need. Even ramen can taste great if you're hungry enough, and someone else cared enough to see that you got some.

Talk of joy: there may be things better than beef stew and baked potatoes and home-made bread -- there may be."
David Grayson, Adventures in Contentment, 1907


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, it sounded like an incredible feast. Potatoes are about my favorite food ever (next to crunchy french bread slathered in real butter...) but alas, my metabolism has changed and my joints ache with too many carbs so I've had to limit these pleasures. Your writing on the subject reminds me that perhaps I should indulge again one of these days soon after I've enjoyed a good long walk. Hugs to you both. Kristi had a wonderful time with you.

MountainPowerLineman said...

I'm so glad that Kristi had a good time. We both enjoyed getting to take her to dinner. She is so much fun to talk with. It made me realize how much I miss you guys. I'm hoping that sometime soon we'll be able to come up and see you all.
On the subject of potatoes, french bread, and other carby treats, I hope that I can continue to take care of my health and enjoy it all as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

I printed your potato dinner blog out for Grandma and Grandpa to read yesterday when I went to Fresno to help them out. They really liked reading your blog. I'll have to print out some more for them sometime. I know Grandma Nadine liked the ones Donna sent her. Your descriptions made me salivate, too! Btw, you two need to go to Seattle and see the family. I recall the old tv show theme song "...the bluest skies you'll ever see are in Seattle, and the hills the greenest green in Seattle..." (came from the tv show "Here come the Brides" - trivia from dad)

mpwalker said...

yummmy.....wheres the protien? I just bought a wok, and as I've been making meals for myself since I moved, this lovely piece of equipment is genius. I can cook up the best and quickest meal with tons of delicious veggies in like ten minutes....Delicious veggies, that's not a phrase, five years ago, I thought I would utter.

MountainPowerLineman said...

And that is why I am not as thin as you little bro. I eat potatoes, and you eat veggies. I'd probably eat more stir fry veggies and brown rice, if only I could talk R. into it.

Anonymous said...

Ah, salivation. The precursor to indulgence.