Saturday, August 12, 2006

Music. Books. Crazy Man.

What does this picture make you think of? Do you think of the cold? You probably should. It was taken by a Finnish bandmember. The band? Tenhi. Yeah, I know. It's different. Still, I totally dig it. If you look at their myspace account you can listen to a few of their songs. Try them out. Don't be quick to turn it off.

This band makes me think of books that I read when I was in elementary school. I think the first one was called Over Sea, Under Stone. Susan Cooper's series called "The Dark is Rising" is an excellent set of fantasy fiction, set mostly in Wales... I think. I don't know why this music made me think of these books, but it did. I would say that this is a series best read by kids in getting close to the "tweens". It will be better appreciated, and more exciting (as opposed to scary).

Something else that I picked out today is a quick video of the now deceased Dan Osman. Some of you may already know this name. He was a wild man on rocks, a free soloist. That means he climbed without a rope, on his own. Not a safe thing to do. Look him up on Wikipedia if you want to know more. For now, here is a video of him freesoloing a 400+ foot wall in less than 5 minutes. No ropes, no safety net, no brains.

Please remember, safety first.

Like I learned at work:

I always put safety first.
I look for and act to resolve unsafe situations
I help and encourage others to act safely

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