Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'll take my air extra crispy, please

I'd like to thank Santa Barbara County for all the smoke that has been blowing our way for the last month or so. As I understand it, the fire is likely to continue burning for another month. I guess that the interesting sunsets, and premature darkness are likely to keep coming.

The other day I took these pictures near Taft, CA. It's on the west side of the valley, next to the Temblor Range of mountains. The first picture was taken on approach to the town. The second picture was taken when I got there. It makes me think, "Welcome to the Apocalypse!"


Anonymous said...

Isn't it awful? We are trying to get all of our outside playtime in before noon because we know that once nap is over the sky will be brown and ash may be raining. Si says it's because they are setting containment fires in the late afternoon? I haven't noticed them actually containing anything, have you?

MountainPowerLineman said...

I really enjoy the rain of ash in the afternoons. It makes it feel like it's snowing.

I heard that the firefighters have set fires ahead of the big fire, to make a dead zone that the fire can't cross. Yay! More smoke!