Monday, November 06, 2006

When You Can't Go Home

I apologize for my lack of any interesting post material. I haven't had much to talk about. I miss my family. It's hard to think about anything else. I know that in the past I went to company school for a week at a time, and hardly thought anything of it. With the way I feel now, I'm very glad that my wife wasn't expecting at the time. I can hardly stand to be away. I can only hope that we are able to sell the house before the kid comes.

The funny thing about home, is that it seems to be a transient thing. As far as I've been able to tell, my home is anywhere that my bed, my family, and my dog all happen to be at. I'm pretty sure that I would say I felt I was at home, no matter where those things were, provided they were all there. To have made the mountains my home was a wonderful experience. I can only hope that someday I might be able to have a second bed to take my family and dog to, and that it might be in the mountains again.

Has anyone else felt this way? I don't know if it is a thing that happens after marriage, or if it's something that just happens when you leave your parents home to be on your own.

Whoever said it first, was right. Home is where the heart is. My heart still lies far away. Over the river and through the woods. Forgive me if I seem distant or distracted. I am.

When you can't go home at the end of the day, it's hard night's sleep ahead.


Anonymous said...

Even "home" isn't quite the same when you are not here. So glad you will be here tomorrow.

Good luck on your test today. Let me know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! If that's a picture of the house you are leaving I can see why you're feeling a bit displaced. Knowing that your dear wife and loyal dog are cozy inside explains the sadness in your blog. But let me caution you dear nephew. When your uncle took the job in Seattle, we were also separated by real estate for an extended period of time and I did not handle it well. During the long months, I grew angry with God, with His timing, with His request of sacrifice. My bitterness toward God seeped into my marriage and it tainted the times we were together. So instead of enjoying the moments we were granted, I'm sure your uncle was glad when I departed with my anger and depression. When the house finally sold in the dead of winter, I completely missed the miracle God had accomplished while I wallowed in self-pity. It wasn't until months later when I confessed my pride that I was able to enjoy in retrospect the last summer I had with my parents living in the backyard in the beauty of the Cascades. We then worked on our marriage to repair the damage I'd inflicted but it wasn't easy. Look for the jewels in your situation. It may take some work but your family will come out stronger as a result of your times of reflection and appreciation for one another. He has a plan. He has His timing and it's never quite the same as what we have in mind. Hang in there dear nephew. Keep on blogging.

Anonymous said...

Aunt D;

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I know that they were addressed to Nick, but I will claim them also!

By the way, that is not our house (if it was, maybe we would not have decided to move!).

So great to see you two weeks ago. Wish it was more often.


MountainPowerLineman said...

I've changed the photo to show my actual home in the woods. Not as pretty as the previous photo. Still, it is home.