Monday, December 04, 2006


We're at my in-laws' house now. Although I am relieved to know that my wife is with me, and close to our hospital, I will be glad when I have my own real space. My in-laws are some of the nicest people on the planet. I can't really picture what it would be like to have some family members live with me for a month at a time (or more. Please LORD let it be less). Consequently, I am extremely grateful to them for their generous nature.

I am hoping that with my wife nearer to me, I will be able to write some more. I've been so distracted lately. Try as I might, to compartmentalize all the things that are going on is difficult. It bleeds through.

My dog is in the kennel.
My house is for sale.
I live with my wife's parents.
There is a baby due to arrive very soon.
I'm in a new job.

Hope to talk more soon.

1 comment:

Megan said...

praying so much! love you so much!