Friday, December 29, 2006

wait for tomorrow

Well, that's enough of a Christmas break for the blogger. I am scheduled to go in to work this weekend. That wouldn't be such a big deal, if there weren't any other circumstances. Right now, there are about 5000 people in the Humboldt area of California that have been out of power for about four days. There's a not so unlikely chance that I will be sent there to help out. I wouldn't care about going out of town for some overtime money, but my wife is only 5 days from her delivery date.

I can only wait for tomorrow to come, and tell me what I'll be doing. Right now I need to go pack a few day's worth of work clothes. I'm praying that I'll get to be here when my firstborn arrives.

Let this be a lesson to those who are considering a career in the trade of linework. I have spent the last four New Year's Eves at work. I don't really care about New Year's celebration. It's the fact that my wife's birthday is on the 2nd. When you are snuggled up warm in front of the fire, because the power went out - remember that more than likely there are a few linemen on the job. Rain, Snow, Wind, Hail, Lightning, Heat Storms and the like - these are the natural habitat of the lineman. Remember that when you apply for the job. It won't take long for your Foreman to say, "So you wanted to be a lineman? Are you sure?"

Did I mention I have a fever of 100.2?

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