Saturday, January 06, 2007

Northwest Lineman College

Linemen end up in the trade by many means. For many, it is a family tradition; the hooks are passed down from generation to generation. Some are as lucky as me, and walk off the street into one of the best jobs in the world. For a few more, it is the result of hard work and planning. Many lineworkers choose to go to school, before they ever get hired as an apprentice.

Northwest Lineman College is a fine example of just such a place. NLC was created by a former employee of Pacific Gas and Electric. Gerald McKie recognized a need within the industry for employee candidates with prior experience. NLC was created for that purpose. The NLC boasts an 85-95% placement rate within the industry after graduation from the program.

I have several friends from work who went through the program at NLC. We went through the apprenticeship program our utility employer provides. I can say that their previous education at Northwest Lineman College gave them a competitive edge. Whereas I was sweating it every time I learned something new, they were hearing it for the second time. Experience counts for everything in this trade. If you are thinking about entering the field of Linework, I would strongly recommend that you consider NLC.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Good to know. I start NLC in Oroville this Monday (Nov 28th). I am looking forward to learning more about this awesome trade.

Be safe out there.
