Thursday, November 02, 2006

Deja vu

Well... I have started working in Bakersfield. It's true when they say that you can never go home. It is never the same as you left it. But, it is close enough to give you the feeling that you never really left. Which is weird, because you have this totally real feeling that you worked for two years in another part of the state. All my time in Oakhurst feels more like an excellent dream, or maybe a vacation.

What is not a vacation, is living out of a suitcase. I had forgotten about how much I dislike being away from my wife, my dog, and my house (wherever that may be). I'm hoping that very soon we will have our home in the hills sold, so we can move to Bakersfield together.

I love you B. I miss you. Give Annie a scratch on the head for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you too. See you tomorrow evening.

By the way, doesn't look like Matt's house is going to work for us. Any other ideas?